Description : The EZgeneTM Blood midi gDNA kit provides a fast and easy method for isolating gDNA from blood. The system utilizes the reversible nucleic acid-binding properties of Biomiga's ezBind membrane and the speed of spin column technology to yield high quality gDNA with the OD260/280 ratio of 1.8-2.0. Up to 10 mL of fresh, frozen or anticoagulated whole blood treated with any common anticoagulant such as heparin, EDTA, or acid-citrate-dextrose can be readily processed at one time. This DNA Kit can also be used for the preparation of genomic DNA from buffy coat, serum, plasma, saliva, buccal swab and other body fluids. Purified DNA is ready for applications such as PCR, Southern Blotting, and Restriction Digestion. The binding capacity per column is 500 μg of gDNA. Use less than10 mL of whole Blood or buffy coat is recommended. All EZgeneTM Blood midi gDNA Kit components are guaranteed for at least 12 months from the date of purchase when stored as follows: Catalog # GD2312-00 GD2312-01 GD2312-02 Preps 2 10 25 ezBind DNA Midi Columns 2 10 25 15 mL Collection Tubes 4 20 50 Buffer TL 5 mL 25 mL 60 mL Buffer BL 5 mL 25 mL 60 mL Buffer KB 12 mL 60 mL 135 mL 10 x Red Blood Cell Lysis Buffer 15 mL 80 mL 200 mL DNA Wash Buffer 6 mL 30 mL 80 mL Elution Buffer 1.5mL 12 mL 30 mL Protease K 6 mg 30 mg 75 mg RNase A (20 mg/mL) 25 μL 110 μL 275 μL Instruction Booklet 1 1 1 The kit is designed to be simple, fast, and reliable provided that all steps are followed diligently. Please read the entire booklet and get all necessary supplies and equipments. • Centrifuge capable of 5,000 x g • Sterile 50 mL centrifuge tubes • Water bath set to 55°C and 70°C • Absolute ethanol • PBS Buffer Buffer BL contains chaotropic salts, which may form reactive compounds when combines with bleach, Do not add bleach or acidic solutions directly to the preparation waste, ware gloves and protective eyewear when handling. Operating Protocol Introduction
Storage and Stability
Kit Contents
Before Starting
Materials provided by user
Safety Information
- Model: GD2312-02
- Manufactured by: Biomiga