SETonic GmbH was founded by Dipl. Ing. (FH) Heinz Ewald in 2015. Heinz Ewald is a pioneer of the microsyringes production in Germany. As co-founder and former head of ILS Innovative Laborsysteme GmbH he is backed up with more then 30 years of experience in custom microsyringe engineering.
SETonic are based in Ilmenau, Germany. They have a staff of young ambitous engineers working hand in hand with the technical university to fulfill the highest standards for their products.
Their home shrinked Borosilicat 3.3 glass is the perfect choice for your application. They provide OEM solutions as well as basic syringe lines for commercially liquid pump dilutors like Tecan, TriContinent, Gilson, Cetoni and many more....
As experts in chromatography syringes, we, together with SETonic are proud to introduce the L-MARK® syringes for CTC PAL2 & 3 autosamplers.