CTS HPLC Replacement Parts & Spares

Chromatography Technology Services - CTS / SCIENCIX
Provider of high quality replacement parts and consumables for HPLC instruments

UVISON Technologies Limited and Sciencix have been established channel partners since 2004
CTS is now Sciencix:
Sciencix is a new kind of laboratory products and services company. Our perspectives are broad in our approach of running our business, yet finely tuned in our quest of helping our customers and assist them in providing value added solutions. We are structured to look intently into the current operational methodologies of laboratory operations, and seek to bring redefined solutions to both existing problems as well as fresh approaches to yet unsolved conditions.
We strive continually to seek ways to become a strategic partner to each of our customers, and persistently include our own notions of cost containment in order to offer the highest possible level of customer service. It is our intention to become your provider of choice, by providing diversified laboratory products and services of the highest quality and of great economic value.
We strive continually to seek ways to become a strategic partner to each of our customers, and persistently include our own notions of cost containment in order to offer the highest possible level of customer service. It is our intention to become your provider of choice, by providing diversified laboratory products and services of the highest quality and of great economic value.
- Click here to view the CTS - ISO 9001:2015 certificate :
Click here to view the current UVISON Technologies Limited - ISO 9001:2015 certificate :