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Miles Scientific Analtech RP18 F (Octadecyl Bonded Silica Reversed Phase, Fluorescent indicator) HPTLC Plates on AL Foil Sheets, 150 um, 4 x 8 cm, 50/Pk - P3500F6-2

Price: £177.00

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Flexible-backed HPTLC Plates

Miles Scientific Analtech Brand RP18 F / HP-RP18F Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) Plates coated on Aluminium / Aluminum AL Foil Sheets (with Fluorescent indicator UV254) - 150µm Thickness - 4x8cm - Box of 50 Plates

Product Number: P3500F6-2

  • RP18 - Octadecyl Bonded Silica Gel Reversed Phase for HPTLC
  • F - Fluorescent indicator UV254. (Can be added to any adsorbent.)
  • HPTLC - High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography

Analtech Brand flexible backed TLC plates offer the same exacting specifications as with the classic glass backed plates assuring batch-to-batch uniformity. Quality is controlled at each step in the manufacturing process — from incoming raw materials to outgoing packaging.

  • With fluorescent indicator (UV254)
  • Lighter and safer to handle than glass; also unbreakable
  • Easy to cut with scissors to customize plate size or isolate components
  • Attach to reports for permanent record
  • Minimum storage space required
  • Inexpensive shipping due to weight

RPS Reversed Phase Separation Plates

The basis of retention in Reversed Phase Chromatography is just the opposite of that seen in normal phase (e.g., silica gel) chromatography. In normal phase chromatography the adsorbent is a polar material. Adsorption occurs as a result of polar interactions. Thus, in normal phase chromatography, more polar sample components will be more tightly adsorbed and will exhibit lower Rf values than less polar sample components. Rf values can be increased by making the mobile phase more polar.

In Reversed Phase Chromatography the adsorbent is a relatively nonpolar material. Adsorption occurs as a result of nonpolar interactions. Thus, in Reversed Phase Chromatography less polar sample components will be more tightly adsorbed and will exhibit lower Rf values than more polar sample
components. In Reversed Phase Chromatography Rf values can generally be increased by making the mobile phase less polar.

Analtech Reversed Phase Separation (RPS) UNIPLATES are a hydrocarbon impregnated silica gel. The hydrocarbon is adsorbed onto the silica gel surface and is not chemically anchored to the particle. The impregnated RPS UNIPLATE offers several advantages over the bonded RP18 type TLC plates along with some limitations.

The main advantages of the hydrocarbon impregnated Reversed Phase plate are compatibility with aqueous solutions and parallel behavior to most C18 HPLC packings. The RPS UNIPLATE will accept 100% water either as the mobile phase or spotting solvent. This is a great advantage when working with polar sample components such as proteins and peptides.

The availability of both normal phase and Reversed Phase HPTLC UNIPLATES™ completes HPTLC as a sensible, efficient and cost effective alternative technique for quantitative analysis. These Reversed Phase adsorbents share the features and benefits of silica gel HPTLC plates: high efficiency adsorbents, 150 μm layer thickness, and smooth surface for densitometry. In the High Performance format, Analtech offers severalvarieties of supports. A hydrocarbon impregnated layer, similar to the analytical RPS UNIPLATE, offers complete aqueous solvent compatibility. Three nonpolar bonded supports in the UNIBOND™ series are available: RP2, RP8, and RP18.

These fully silanized silica gels share complete compatibility with all organic solvents. However, due to the extreme hydrophobic nature of the RP18 adsorbent, aqueous wettability is limited to approximately 60% water in the mobile phase. Wettability is correspondingly higher with the slightly more polar shorter chain RP series plates.

  • Model: P3500F6-2
  • Manufactured by: Miles Scientific