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Miles Scientific Analtech Silica Gel F (Fluorescent indicator UV254) TLC Plates on Glass, Channelled, 250 um, 20 x 20 cm, 25Pk - P147911

Price: £281.00

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Glass-backed Analytical TLC Plates

Miles Scientific Analtech Brand Silica Gel F TLC Plates on Glass (with Fluorescent indicator UV254), channelled / Channeled - Glass-Backed - 250µm thickness - 20x20cm - 25 plates per box

Product Number: P147911

  • F - Fluorescent indicator UV254. (Can be added to any adsorbent.)

Channeled UNIPLATES™

Channeled UNIPLATES are available in a variety of adsorbents and plate sizes including the preadsorbent format. These plates have 9 mm wide adsorbent tracks which are separated by 1 mm wide channels where the adsorbent layer has been removed. Channeled plates prevent cross contamination and the spreading of the sample components during development.

  • Model: P147911
  • Manufactured by: Miles Scientific