The GladiATR Vision is a sampling tool which couples small area infrared analysis with simultaneous viewing. Samples are placed face down and positioned on the diamond crystal while its image is projected in real-time on the LCD screen. Finding and optimizing the sample placement for specific analysis areas is easy and fast. Analysis of thick or non-transparent samples is no problem because viewing is through the diamond crystal. The 110X magnification of the sample image enables the positioning of even relatively small samples into the center of the diamond crystal for optimized analysis. Analysis of samples as small as 50 microns in size is doable with the GladiATR Vision accessory. The GladiATR Vision optical design is all reflective, preserving the full spectral range inherent to diamond. For standard mid-IR, the spectral range available with the GladiATR Vision will be 4000 – 400 cm-1. For Far-IR configuration, the spectral range is extended to less than 50 cm-1.
- Model: L1272381
- Manufactured by: PerkinElmer