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PerkinElmer Application Packs & Starter Kits

Application Packs and Starter Kits

PerkinElmer offers better solutions for demanding applications, with a range of application packs and starter kits for your testing needs. Their application packs are designed to provide you with all of the recommended consumable items to perform an application. These convenience kits are available for AA, ICP-OES, and SPE applications.

With these application packs, you can purchase all of the items that you need with one part number. PerkinElmer provides several types of starter kits, both for biological and analytical analyses. The analytical starter kits includes all the consumables you need to get started. Kits range from FT-IR and Headspace to autosamplers.

Item Name Product Image Price

PerkinElmer NIRA Transflectance Liquids Sampling Accessory Starter Kit - L1185153

NIRA Transflectance Liquids Sampling Accessory Starter Kit. Includes five Liquids Reflectors and Petri dish bases, NIRA Liquids Sampling procedure, and user guide.
PerkinElmer NIRA Transflectance Liquids Sampling Accessory Starter Kit - L1185153 £167.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Spectrum RX1 KBr Disc Starter Pack for solids - L1272265

Spectrum RX1 KBr Disc Starter Pack for solids. Contains an evacuable potassium bromide die for the preparation of 13mm diameter pellets of the highest quality and clarity, and a pellet holder and adjustable mount for precise mounting of samples in...
PerkinElmer Spectrum RX1 KBr Disc Starter Pack for solids - L1272265 £1,162.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Spectrum RX1 KBr Disc Complete Starter Pack for solids - L1272266

Spectrum RX1 KBr Disc Complete Starter Pack for solids. Contains an evacuable potassium bromide die for the preparation of 13mm diameter pellets of the highest quality and clarity, a pellet holder and adjustable mount for precise mounting of samples...
PerkinElmer Spectrum RX1 KBr Disc Complete Starter Pack for solids - L1272266 £7,060.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Spectrum RX1 Gas Sampling Starter Pack - L1272267

Spectrum RX1 Gas Sampling Starter Pack. Contains a 10 cm pathlength demountable gas cell, of volume 120 ml, with KBr windows for monitoring air pollutants, studying vapour phase transitions and quantifying impurities in gas samples. The windows can...
PerkinElmer Spectrum RX1 Gas Sampling Starter Pack - L1272267 £1,491.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Spectrum RX1 Liquid Sampling Starter Pack - L1272268

Spectrum RX1 Liquid Sampling Starter Pack. Contains a universal demountable cell mount, circular KBr windows for simple sampling of higher viscosity pastes and mulls, rectangular, drilled KBr windows for the injection of liquid samples, and a choice...
PerkinElmer Spectrum RX1 Liquid Sampling Starter Pack - L1272268 £1,288.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Liquid and Mull FTIR Sampling Kit - L1365311

Liquid and Mull FTIR Sampling Kit. Liquid and Mull FTIR Sampling Kit Includes: Polystyrene film 0.038mm, Nujol DD 057 (100ml), 10cm Micro Spatula, 2ml Luer Syringe, Agate Pestle and Mortar, Magnetic Film Holder-Circular Universal Demountable Cell...
PerkinElmer Liquid and Mull FTIR Sampling Kit - L1365311 £3,495.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer General Purpose FTIR Sampling Kit - L1365312

General Purpose FTIR Sampling Kit. General Purpose FTIR Sampling Kit Includes: Polystyrene film 0.038mm, Universal KBr Disk Holder, Nujol DD 057 (100ml), 10cm Micro Spatula, 2ml Luer Syringe, Agate Pestle and Mortar, Magnetic Film Holder-Circular,...
PerkinElmer General Purpose FTIR Sampling Kit - L1365312 £5,188.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer FT-IR Introductory Kit - L1608001

Fast and Compliant IR Analysis, Are you new to IR analysis or an infrequent user? Do you have graduate students, technicians, or other team members that you would like to train? Then FTIR introductory kit is ideal. It provides a structured...
PerkinElmer FT-IR Introductory Kit - L1608001 £588.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer FTIR Educational Resource Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608003

The FT-IR Educational Resource Pack contains two CDs designed for use in the teaching of FT-IR Spectroscopy to students and new users of IR instruments. The kit contains 15 experiments that can be used as part of a curriculum or adapted to meet the...
PerkinElmer FTIR Educational Resource Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608003 £2,648.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer FTIR Pharmacopeia Compliance Resource Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608004

The FT-IR Pharmacopeia Compliance Resource Pack is designed to assist the user in understanding and achieving compliance to pharmacopeia regulatory requirements in FT-IR analysis, using PerkinElmer Spectrum 10 software and PerkinElmer FT-IR...
PerkinElmer FTIR Pharmacopeia Compliance Resource Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608004 £2,564.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer FTIR Nutraceutical Compliance Resource Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608005

The FT-IR Nutraceutical Compliance Resource Pack facilitates IR spectroscopy analysis for Nutraceutical and Traditional Medicine professionals. The pack covers the requirements of seven key Pharmacopoeias (USP, BP, EP, IP, JP, CP and IntPhr). The...
PerkinElmer FTIR Nutraceutical Compliance Resource Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608005 £2,564.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer EH ASTM D7066 Analysis Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608006

Contains accessories, consumables and application software to perform ASTM D7066-04 (extraction into hydrocarbon-free solvent and then transmission FT-IR). Comprises: Cuvette Holder, 2 x Cuvette 10mm, Environmental Hydrocarbons Touch Apps S/W Kit...
PerkinElmer EH ASTM D7066 Analysis Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608006 £3,041.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Environmental Hydrocarbon FTIR Cyclohex for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608007

Contains accessories, consumables and application software to perform oil in water measurements by extraction into cyclohexane then transmission FT-IR. Comprises: 2 Port Luer Lock %T Cell - CaF2 0.5mm, 2 x 2ml Luer lock Syringe, Spare 0.5mm PTFE...
PerkinElmer Environmental Hydrocarbon FTIR Cyclohex for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608007 £4,842.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Environmental Hydrocarbon ATR Application Pack (incl. PE HATR) for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608008

Contains accessories, consumables and application software to perform oil in water measurements by ATR. Comprises: Spectrum Two HATR, ZnSe 45 deg Top plate – Flat, 25um micro pipette, Pipette tips, Environmental Hydrocarbons Touch Apps S/W Kit...
PerkinElmer Environmental Hydrocarbon ATR Application Pack (incl. PE HATR) for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608008 £7,024.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer In-Service Lubricants Application Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608009

Contains accessories, consumables and application software to perform used oil analysis. Comprises: Flow cell with ZnSe windows, wedged spacer and luer fittings for Used Oil Analyzer, 3ml luer lock plastic syringe Starter Pk 100, Torque screwdriver,...
PerkinElmer In-Service Lubricants Application Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608009 £6,643.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer IR Biodiesel Application Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608010

Contains accessories, consumables and application software to perform Biodiesel analysis using IR. Comprises: 2 Port Luer Lock %T Cell - BaF2 0. 1mm, 2 x 2ml Luer lock Syringe, Assorted PTFE Spacers, Torque screwdriver, HEX BIT 3. 0mm, IR Liquid...
PerkinElmer IR Biodiesel Application Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608010 £5,999.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer IR Benzene In Gasoline ASTM D4053 Application Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608012

Contains accessories, consumables and application software to measure Benzene in Gasoline by IR. Comprises: 2 Port Luer Lock %T Cell - KBr 0.05mm, 2 x 2ml Luer lock Syringe, Spare 0.05mm PTFE Spacer (pk 6), Torque screwdriver, HEX BIT 3.0mm, IR...
PerkinElmer IR Benzene In Gasoline ASTM D4053 Application Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608012 £5,045.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer FTIR Polymer Resource Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608013

The FT-IR Polymer Resource Pack is designed for use in the rapid screening and identification of polymer materials using FT-IR Spectroscopy. The pack is designed to help in the following: i) Measurement of good quality spectrum of polymers. ii)...
PerkinElmer FTIR Polymer Resource Pack for the Spectrum Two & Frontier - L1608013 £1,658.00Buy Now