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PerkinElmer ICP Sample Introduction Supplies

Sample Introduction Components & Kits

Selecting the correct sample introduction components can speed up your analyses, increase repeatability of results, and minimize errors. Not every sample introduction system is ideal for every application; that’s why we offer a wide variety of sample introduction kits and hundreds of individual components. Each combination has a unique advantage based on your particular sampling needs.

NexION SMARTintro sample introduction solutions are tested as a complete unit to ensure intra- and inter-laboratory performance. Each system utilizes specific combinations of sample introduction components and the kits are color-coded according to the application of the user.

Item Name Product Image Price

PerkinElmer Base Configuration Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 - N8150034

Base Configuration Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 PerkinElmer introduces the NexION 2000 ICP-MS Standard (Blue) solution-ready sample introduction technology. Engineered for the widest range of ICP-MS analyses. This kit includes: Glass...
PerkinElmer Base Configuration Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 - N8150034 £4,298.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Core Configuration Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 - N8150035

Core Configuration Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 PerkinElmer introduces the NexION 2000 ICP-MS high matrix (Green) solution-ready sample introduction technology. Engineered for the analysis of environmental samples, this system...
PerkinElmer Core Configuration Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 - N8150035 £7,004.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Cyclonic Concentric Spares Kit for Avio - N0790434

Cyclonic Concentric Spares Kit for Avio Cyclonic Concentric complete spares shipping kit.
PerkinElmer Cyclonic Concentric Spares Kit for Avio - N0790434 £714.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Geological Sample Introduction Kit (Gold) - N8150040

Geological Sample Introduction Kit (Gold) Kit Includes: PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060) PFA Spray Chamber with PFA End Cap (N8150450) Plasma Light Shield (N8152377) PFA Nebulizer (N8152378) Quartz Torch (N8152379) Internal Standard Addition...
PerkinElmer Geological Sample Introduction Kit (Gold) - N8150040 £7,493.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Hydride Accessory Kit for Avio 200/500 - N0810433

Hydride Accessory Kit for Avio 200/500 Includes: Silicone Tubing ID 5mm Thickness x 2 mm 1 (B0018283) PVC Tube ^3x^1 TR 75 Shore 1 (B0048139) PTFE Tubing, 110 mm 1 (B0191058) PTFE Tubing, 700 mm 1 (B0191059) 1.52 mm ID Tubing, Blue/Yellow/Blue, Pkg....
PerkinElmer Hydride Accessory Kit for Avio 200/500 - N0810433 £1,069.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer microFAST Line/Valve Assembly - N8152542

microFAST Line/Valve Assembly microFAST Line/Valve Assembly
PerkinElmer microFAST Line/Valve Assembly - N8152542 £4,575.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer NexION 2000 Consumables Kit B AMS - N8150052

NexION 2000 Consumables Kit B AMS
PerkinElmer NexION 2000 Consumables Kit B AMS - N8150052 £4,798.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer NexION 2000 Consumables Kit ISO 17294 - N8150194

NexION 2000 Consumables Kit ISO 17294
PerkinElmer NexION 2000 Consumables Kit ISO 17294 - N8150194
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PerkinElmer Organics Sample Introduction Module for Avio 500 - N0810609

Organics Sample Introduction Module for Avio 500 This kit includes: GemCone Low-Flow Nebulizer (N0770358) Polyethylene Tubing for Nebulizer, 10 ft (09908265) Cyclonic Injector Adaptor Kit (N0790141) 3-Slot HybridXTL Organics Quartz Torch (N0790249)...
PerkinElmer Organics Sample Introduction Module for Avio 500 - N0810609 £1,603.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer PFA-Platinum HF-Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 - N8150033

PFA-Platinum HF-Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 PerkinElmer introduces the NexION 2000 ICP-MS PFA-platinum HF (Platinum) solution-ready sample introduction technology. Engineered for analysis in the semiconductor industry, this...
PerkinElmer PFA-Platinum HF-Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 - N8150033 £8,368.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Productivity Configuration Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 - N8150036

Productivity Configuration Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 PerkinElmer introduces the NexION 2000 and 1000 ICP-MS high throuput (Black) solution-ready sample introduction technology. Engineered with FAST capabilities to maximize...
PerkinElmer Productivity Configuration Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 - N8150036 £20,805.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 1000 ICP-MS (Purple) - N8150038

Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 1000 ICP-MS (Purple) This kit includes: MEINHARD Nebulizer Sample Line (N8145503), PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060), Glass Nebulizer Type C (N8152373), Matrix Gas Line 9 in. (N8152374), Plasma Light Shield...
PerkinElmer Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 1000 ICP-MS (Purple) - N8150038 £4,673.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Scott/Cross Flow II Spares Kit - N0790433

Scott/Cross Flow II Spares Kit Scott/Cross Flow II Spares Kit
PerkinElmer Scott/Cross Flow II Spares Kit - N0790433 £714.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Semiconductor Configuration Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 - N8150037

Semiconductor Configuration Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 PerkinElmer introduces the NexION 2000 ICP-MS high purity (White) solution-ready sample introduction technology. Engineered for analysis in the semiconductor industry, this...
PerkinElmer Semiconductor Configuration Sample Introduction Kit for NexION 2000/1000 - N8150037 £9,346.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer Single Cell ICP-MS UV Light Shield for NexION® 300/350 - N8142047

Single Cell ICP-MS UV Light Shield for NexION® 300/350 Single cell ICP-MS spray chamber-cassette light shield used with NexION® 300 and 350 ICP-MS series instruments.
PerkinElmer Single Cell ICP-MS UV Light Shield for NexION® 300/350 - N8142047 £235.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer SMARTintro Sample Introduction Kit 1000G Configuration - Light Blue - N8990039

SMARTintro Sample Introduction Kit 1000G Configuration - Light Blue This kit includes: Sample Line with Fit for MEINHARD Plus Nebulizer (N8145503) Peripump Starter Tubing Kit (N8150060) MEINHARD Type CT R + Nebulizer (N8152373) Matrix Gas Line...
PerkinElmer SMARTintro Sample Introduction Kit 1000G Configuration - Light Blue - N8990039 £3,934.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer SMARTintro Sample Introduction Kit NexION 5000 Configuration - White/Green - N8160020

SMARTintro Sample Introduction Kit NexION 5000 Configuration - White/Green This kit includes: CTFE Barbed Fittings, Small Female Qty.1 (N0777829) PeriPump Tubing Starter Kit (N8150060) Plasma Light Shield(N8152377) PFA Nebulizer (N8152378) Spray...
PerkinElmer SMARTintro Sample Introduction Kit NexION 5000 Configuration - White/Green - N8160020 £6,640.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer SMARTintro Sample Introduction Module (Black) w/ Fixed 2.0 mm I.D. Quartz Torch-Injector - N8152440

SMARTintro Sample Introduction Module (Black) w/ Fixed 2.0 mm I.D. Quartz Torch-Injector Torch cassette kit for NexION 2000 ICP-MS Productivity Configuration. This kit includes: Cassette Piece (Black) (N8152433) 2 mm I.D. Demountable Quartz Injector...
PerkinElmer SMARTintro Sample Introduction Module (Black) w/ Fixed 2.0 mm I.D. Quartz Torch-Injector - N8152440 £1,729.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer SMARTintro Sample Introduction Module (Blue) w/ Fixed 2.0 mm I.D. Quartz Torch-Injector for NexION 1000/2000 - N8152437

SMARTintro Sample Introduction Module (Blue) w/ Fixed 2.0 mm I.D. Quartz Torch-Injector for NexION 1000/2000 This kit, incorporated in the Base configuration, includes: Cassette Piece (Blue) (N8152430) One-Piece Quartz Torch with 2 mm I.D. Injector...
PerkinElmer SMARTintro Sample Introduction Module (Blue) w/ Fixed 2.0 mm I.D. Quartz Torch-Injector for NexION 1000/2000 - N8152437 £1,603.00Buy Now

PerkinElmer SMARTintro Sample Introduction Module (Green) w/ Fixed 2.5 mm I.D. Quartz Torch-Injector for NexION 1000/2000 - N8152438

SMARTintro Sample Introduction Module (Green) w/ Fixed 2.5 mm I.D. Quartz Torch-Injector for NexION 1000/2000 This kit, incorporated in the Core configuration, includes: Cassette Green (N8152431) One-Piece Quartz Torch with 2.5 mm I.D. Injector...
PerkinElmer SMARTintro Sample Introduction Module (Green) w/ Fixed 2.5 mm I.D. Quartz Torch-Injector for NexION 1000/2000 - N8152438
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