PerkinElmer SPE Columns

Supra-Clean and Supra-Poly SPE Solid-Phase Extraction Solutions
Recovery, capacity, selectivity and reproducibility are the principal sample prep demands of today’s analyst. We have developed an innovative SPE product range incorporating silica and polymer based technology. Supra-Clean® (silica) and Supra-Poly® (polymer) deliver the recovery, reproducibility, and reliability desired for consistently excellent results.
Both utilize Precise Bed Technology® (PBT) with our spherical media (Figure 1) allowing columns to be evenly and consistently filled with particles sized for optimum distribution. This homogeneous filling yields a +/- 1% variation in bed volume precision, ensuring you experience repeatability and optimized recovery reproducibility
Spherical media and consistent particle distribution enable smaller elution volumes and better, more reproducible extraction, purification, concentration and recovery.