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PerkinElmer Brownlee SPP 2.7 µm C18 2.1 X 100 mm - N9308404

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General Purpose Octadecyl phase for reversed phase separations. A high-purity column that exhibits excellent peak shape for a wide range of compounds. Solid inner core, porous silica outer shell, shorter diffusion pathVery high efficiencies at moderate back pressures  Nearly twice the efficiency of 3-µm particle columnsAs robust as columns packed with 5-µm particles because columns use 2-µm fritsCan exceed performance of sub-2-µm particle size columns on most standard 6000 psi HPLC systemsCan be used on UHPLC system at pressures up to 9000 psi Longer columns can be used for very high column efficiencies on UHPLC systemsOptimization kits available for Series 200 and Flexar LC systems to increase application efficiencies.

  • Model: N9308404
  • Manufactured by: PerkinElmer