Shimadzu Preparative Columns

HPLC is used to separate and refine high-purity target compounds from a mixed solution after a synthesis reaction or from natural extracts. A SFC system uses carbon dioxide as the mobile phase and shows several advantages over traditional HPLC systems: shorter analysis time, an almost 70% reduction in mobile phase organic solvent consumption, no need for evaporation of collected fractions, and improved isomer separation capabilities. A preparative system (HPLC or SFC) is used to separate and collect high-purity compounds and in some cases, large quantities of compounds required for subsequent evaluation, analysis, and processing in the shortest possible time.
Shimadzu has been a world leading manufacturer of high-quality preparative HPLC systems that meet the application requirements of a broad range of customers. Our portfolio includes the Nexera Prep (HPLC Preparative System), the Nexera UC Prep (SFC Preparative System), and the UFPLC (Ultra-Fast Preparative and Purification Liquid Chromatography System), a fully automated system capable of performing preparation to recovery for LC applications. We also provide related instruments such as the LH-40 liquid handler, the FRC-40 fraction collector, and Flow Splitters for preparative LC-MS analysis.