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Shimadzu Column, LC, Shim-Pack Scepter Phenyl-120, 1.9um, 2.0 X 75mm - 227-31062-02

Shimadzu Column, LC, Shim-Pack Scepter Phenyl-120, 1.9um, 2.0 X 75mm - 227-31062-02
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Column, Lc, Shim-Pack Scepter Phenyl-120, 1.9Um, 2.0 X 75Mm
Part Number: 227-31062-02


Shim-pack Scepter columns consist of an organosilane hybrid particle for excellent stability and performance. The phenylbutyl ligand provides unique selectivity compared to a C8 or C18 due to pi-pi interactions between the analyte and stationary phase. The phenyl phase is recommended for the analysis of aromatic compounds, isomers and structural analogs, and can be used in 100% aqueous conditions. USP L11, pore size: 120A, pH range: 1-10, max pressure: 100 MPa/1000 bar/14,500 psi, 17% carbon load, fully endcapped. A guard column is recommended to prolong the analytical column lifetime. Similar to Acquity BEH Phenyl.