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Shimadzu ICP-MS Tuning Solution B (100 mL) - 980-20240-00, 980-20240

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ICP-MS Tuning Solution B (100 mL)
ICPMS Tuning Solution B 6 components in 1 Vol.-% HNO3. Concentrate. Requires x100 dilution in 1 Vol.-% HNO3
Part Number: 980-20240-00, 980-20240

This item may be hazardous. Please check before placing your order, additional shipping charges may be applied.


ICPMS Tuning Solution B 6 components in 1 Vol.-% HNO3: 1mg/l Be, 0.2mg/l In, 0.2mg/l Bi, 0.2mg/l Ce, 0.5mg/l Co, 0.5mg/l Mn Shelf life 8 month after production and min 6 month at start of shipment. After opening the bottle, it is durable for 4 month, but maximum until end of shelf life period.

Content100 ml

  • Model: 980-20240
  • Manufactured by: Shimadzu