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Waters XSelect Premier CSH Columns

CSH (Charged Surface Hybrid) Technology

The Charged Surface Hybrid (CSH) particle is Waters third generation hybrid particle technology. Based on Waters Ethylene Bridged Hybrid (BEH) particle technology, CSH particles incorporate a low-level surface charge that improves sample loadability and peak asymmetry in low-ionic-strength mobile phases, while maintaining the mechanical and chemical stability inherent in the BEH particle technology.

The advantages of CSH columns include:

  • Superior peak shape for basic compounds
  • Increased loading capacity
  • Rapid column equilibration after changing mobile-phase pH
  • Improved batch-to-batch reproducibility
  • Exceptional stability at low and high pH
  • Seamless transfer between HPLC and UPLC technology platforms
  • Available Particle Sizes: 1.7, 2.5, 3.5, 5, and 10 µm
  • Column Chemistries: C18, Phenyl-Hexyl, Fluoro-Phenyl