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Chromanik Sunrise C18-SAC HPLC Analytical Column, 120 A, 5 um, ID 4.6 mm x Length 150 mm, 1/Pk - SA3471

Price: £338.00

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Sunrise C18-SAC

Chromanik Sunrise C18-SAC HPLC Analytical Column, 120Å, 5μm, ID 4.6mm x Length 150mm, 1/Pk

Product Number: SA3471

Silanol Activity Controlled C18 Column

Sunrise columns are very unique. Silanol Activity Control (SAC) technology leads not only adding an interaction by silanol groups but also a symmetrical peak forbasic compounds.

Both C18-SAC and C28 phase can achieve unique separation which a conventional C18 cannot do.

In general, the silanol group remaining in the silica-based stationary phase in such as C18 (ODS) has been the cause of adsorption and peak tailing of a basic compound. Because silanol groups in proximity to the hydrophobic group is poorly hydrated, it indicates a high adsorption properties.

For reducing the effect of the residual silanol groups, a variety of end-capping techniques have been developed.

SAC (silanol activity control) technology

ChromaNik developed the SAC technology that only silanol groups with high absorption activity were selectively reduced and richly hydrated silanol groups without high absorption activity remained.

This technology allowed that a basic compound was separated without any peak tailing. Furthermore, not only hydrophobic interaction but also hydrogen bonding capacity and ion exchange interaction by richly hydrated silanol groups worked on reversed phase separation.

Features of Sunrise C18-SAC

  • The "2nd Choice" column which takes advantage of effective silanol groups interaction
  • Reducing silanol groups with high adsorption activity
  • The new separation mechanism including hydrogen bond and ion-exchange interaction
  • Effective for separation of a basic compound and a polar compound
  • Different selectivity and improvement of separation without changing a mobile phase
  • Multiple mode separation is achieved on Sunrise series
  • Sunrise C18-SAC is bonded with octadecylsilane on a pure silica gel and controlled its silanol activitywithout end-capping.
  • Separation on Sunrise C18-SAC is done including hydrogen bond and ion-exchange interaction based on silanol groups except for hydrophobic interaction.
  • Control of pH and salt concentration of a mobile phase can regulate retention.

Sunrise C18-SAC columns takes advantage of effective silanol groups interaction, by reducing silanol groups with high adsorption activity. The separation mechanism includes hydrogen bond and ion-exchange interaction. Different selectivity and possible improvement of separation without changing mobile phase.


Brand ChromaNik Technologies Inc
Column Name Sunrise C18-SAC
Bonded phase C18 (RP-18, ODS, Octadecyl)
Column Type Reersed Phase RP HPLC Analytical Column
Particle size 5 µm
Particle Morphology Spherical, fully porous Silica
Pore diameter 120 Å (12 nm)
Specific surface area 340.0
Carbon content 15.0 %
End-capping endcapped
pH range 2 - 8
USP L line Category L1
Inner Diameter (I.D.) 4.6 mm
Length 150 mm


ChromaNik Columns Online Catalogue:

Additional column sizes are available - Please contact our Sales Team with your requirements

  • Model: SA3471
  • Manufactured by: ChromaNik Technologies Inc