Item Name |
Product Image |
Price |
ADAM-Reagent 1 g - 984.0500 |
Adapter 1/16", M12 x 0.75 - s-ADAP-1/16 |
Adapter 1/8", M12 - s-ADAP-1/8 |
Adaptor for 1/4", M14 - s200-ADAP-01 |
Adaptor for 1/4", M14 incl. 1/4" tube 10 cm, nut and ferrule - s200-ADAP-03 |
Adaptor for 1/4", M14 uncl. 1/4" tube, nut and ferrule - s200-ADAP-02 |
Adsorbosil C18, 10 µm 250 x 4.6 mm, L 250, ID 4,6 - 5201000 |
Adsorbosil C18, 5 µm 150 x 4.6 mm, L 150, ID 4,6 - 5126113 |
Adsorbosil C18, 7 µm 125 x 4.6 mm, L 125, ID 4,6 - 5201022 |
Adsorbosil C2, 10 µm 250 x 4.6 mm, L 250, ID 4,6 - 5126104 |
Adsorbosil C2, 5 µm 250 x 4.6 mm, L 250, ID 4,6 - 5201025 |
Adsorbosil C8, 5 µm, 250 x 4.6 mm, L 250, ID 4,6 - 5201005 |
Adsorbosil NH2, 10 µm 250 x 4.6 mm, L 250, ID 4,6 - 5201012 |
Adsorbosil NH2, 5 µm 250 x 4.6 mm, L 250, ID 4,6 - 5126088 |
Adsorbosil NH2, 5 µm 250 x 4.6 mm, L 250, ID 4,6 - 5201023 |
Adsorbosil Si, 5 µm 150 x 4.6 mm - 5201017 |
Adsorbosil Si, 5 µm 250 x 4.6 mm - 5201018 |
Adsorbosphere C1 7.5 x 4.6 mm, All-Guard, L 7,5, ID 4,6 3/pk - 5130376 |
Adsorbosphere C18-HS, 3 µm 150 x 4.6 mm, Col-W, L 150, ID 4,6 - 5126018 |
Adsorbosphere C18-HS, 3 µm 150 x 4.6 mm, L 150, ID 4,6 - 5126017 |