Photron Hollow Cathode Super Lamps

High Intensity Sharp Line Source for AAS and AFS Spectroscopy The Super Lamp is particularly recommended for the following determinations in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy:
- Elements with resonance spectra in the far UV where instrumental efficiency is reduced. e.g. Arsenic & Selenium.
- Elements with complex spectra where the enhanced resonances line reduces the interference of background radiation, allowing the use of wide slit widths further reducing signal to noise. e.g. Nickel & Iron
- For determinations at or near the detection limit, in some cases a 10 fold improvement in detection limited can be achieved.
- Super Lamps produce intense spectra with narrow line widths.
- Super Lamps are also used in Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy.
Photron Super Lamps provide high intensity gains over standard Hollow Cathode Lamps, additionally they produce a significant improvement in sensitivity due to the narrow and the non-self absorbed line Photron's Super Lamps produce. It is worth noting that for elements that are easily self-absorbed in Photron Standard Hollow Cathode Lamps (As, Sb, Cd, Pb, Tl, Zn) are not so self-absorbed in a Photron Super Lamp. A further improvement advantage is the suppression of ion lines close to the resonance line in a Ni Super Lamps resulting in a much improved sensitivity line and linearity.