HILIC (hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography)
Polymer-based columns for the analysis of polar substances in drugs, food or biological samples
- Asahipak ODP-50 series - Polymer-based column with C18 functional groups
- HILICpak VG-50 columns - with tertiary amino groups | Suitable for saccharide analysis using HILIC mode
- HILICpak VT-50 column - with quaternary ammonium groups | suitable for anionic substances (especially phosphate compounds) analysis using HILIC mode
- HILICpak VC-50 columns - with carboxyl groups | Modified carboxyl group is suitable for cationic substance analysis including amines
- HILICpak VN-50 columns - with diol groups | Suitable for oligosaccharide and oligonucleotide separation, which is not possible by SEC column or conventional HILIC columns