TSKgel Tresyl-5PW Guardgel, 2g, 10μm
Unlike other TSKgel affinity columns, TSKgel Tresyl-5PW, which is derivatized with the 2,2,2-trifluroethanesulfonyl ligand, requires activation with a user-selected ligand containing amino, thiol, phenol, or imidazole groups. The resulting structure is literally a "custom" affinity ligand with excellent pH stability and minimal ligand loss due to leaching. TSKgel Tresyl-5PW readily reacts with amino or thiol groups to form stable covalent alkylamines or thioethers.
Applications include: glycoproteins, antigens, etc.
Structure: Pore size (mean): 1,000 Å Particle size (mean): 10 µm pH stability: 2.0 - 12.0 Ligand conc.: ca. 20 µmol/mL resin Adsorption capacity: > 60 mg/g dry resin
(coupling capacity w/
soybean trypsin inhibitor)Exclusion limit
(base resin, estimate):< 10,000,000 Da
globular proteinsActive group: tresyl
Purification of peroxidase on concanavalin A
coupled to TSKgel Tresyl-5PW
- Model: 16208
- Manufactured by: Tosoh BioScience