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Imtakt Scherzo SS-C18 10mm ID, 30mm Length, 3um,multi-mode ODS (RP+Anion+Cation) - SS0P1

Price: £436.00

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Scherzo SS-C18 multi-mode ODS HPLC Column

Scherzo SS-C18 Anion Exchange + Cation Exchange + Normal Phase + Reversed Phase Semi-preparative HPLC Column

Imtakt Part Number: SS0P1

Column Specifications:

ID: 10 mm 
Length: 30 mm 
Particle Size (Microns): 3 μm 
Pore size: 13 nm
Pressure: Up to 250 bar / 3500 psi
Mode: multi-mode ODS (Anion Exchange + Cation Exchange + Normal Phase + Reversed Phase)

World’s first ODS column with Anion and Cation Exchange. Weak ionic ligands adequately bonded to this material optimized for the separation of basic/acidic compounds at neutral pH.

  • Simultaneous analysis of both cationic and anionic compounds
  • ODS + Ion Exchange separation mode
  • Three kinds of packings with different ion exchange capacities
  • For polar compounds
  • Different selectivity from conventional ODS columns
  • LC-MS compatible without using ion-pair reagents
  • ODS column consists of C18+anion+cation ligand

Purified Porous Silica / 3um Particle / 13nm Pore / ODS + Anion Exchange + Cation Exchange Ligands

Scherzo family columns can operate without adding an ion-pairing reagent, which is required for conventional ODS columns. In addition, both anioic and cationic compounds are retained on this column. The hydrophobicity of the Scherzo family is similar to that of a conventional ODS column, so analysis of a compound in combination with a Unison UK-C18 column (conventional ODS phase) will be very effective for method development.

Separation modes of Scherzo C18 columns

The Scherzo C18 Family, (SS-C18, SM-C18, SW-C18), consists of not only ODS ligands, but also
anion ligands and cation ligands. It also provides reversed-phase mode, both ion exchange modes,
and normal phase mode.

Separation Mode Stationary Phase Properties
Reversed-Phase Octadecyl Increasing organic solvent composition (decreas ing porarity of eluent) decreases retention.
Anion Exchange Cation Increasing ionic strength (salt or acid concentra tion) decreases retention for acidic compounds. Generally, low pH increases retention.
Cation Exchange Anion IIncreasing salt concentration decreases retention for basic compounds. SM-C18 retains more with increasing pH, while SS-C18 and SW-C18 retain more at lower pH.
Normal Phase Anion/Cation Polar solutes which cannot be retained with 100% aqueous eluent may be retained by using > 50% organic solvent composition due to electrostatic interaction.

Retention properties of Scherzo C18 columns (RP+AX+CX)

Multi-mode ODS Scherzo C18 columns consist of ODS ligands which have reversed-phase mode, plus anion and cation ligands which have anion/cation exchange modes. Three kinds of Scherzo columns have individual ion exchange capacities to find the best column for target compounds, which have different ionic properties. Moreover, hydrophobicity between Scherzo C18 and Unison UK-C18, a conventional ODS, is similar, so these columns can be used as comparisons during method development.

Elution strategies by Scherzo C18 columns

Non-ionic hydrophobic solutes Organic solvent composition should be optimized (similar to conventional ODS). Peak shape is often improved by using 0.1% acetic acid.
Ionic hydrophobic solutes A combination of organic solvent and 20-100mM of salt or acid at optimal pH should be used for separation of both acidic / basic compounds.
Weak ionic-polar solutes SS-C18 is often the best choice for weak ionic polar solutes. Ionic strength should be increased for compounds that contain multiple ionic functional groups. Neutral pH conditions are required for mono-carboxylic acid compounds.
Strong ionic-polar solutes SW-C18 may be useful when it is difficult to elute on SS-C18 or SM-C18. Strong ionic compounds have strong ionic interaction, so it is recommended to use multiple gradient elutions with ionic strength and organic solvent composition.

Range of Scherzo SS-C18 Columns
Spec.: purified porous silica, 3um particle, 13nm pore, ODS+anion+cation ligand

Product Number
Column Length 
Analytical Semi-prep
1.0 mm 1.5 mm 2.0 mm 3.0 mm 4.6 mm 6.0 mm 10.0 mm
10     SS020 SS030 SS000    
20     SS029 SS039 SS009    
30 SS011 SS071 SS021 SS031 SS001 SS061 SS0P1
50 SS012 SS072 SS022 SS032 SS002 SS062 SS0P2
75 SS013 SS073 SS023 SS033 SS003 SS063 SS0P3
100 SS014 SS074 SS024 SS034 SS004 SS064 SS0P4
150 SS015 SS075 SS025 SS035 SS005 SS065 SS0P5
250 SS016 SS076 SS026 SS036 SS006 SS066 SS0P6
500         SS007    
Scherzo SS-C18 Metal-Free Columns
30     SS021F        
50     SS022F        
75     SS023F        
100     SS024F        
150     SS025F        
250     SS026F        

All stationary phases can also be made in the following additional internal diameters: Nano: 0.05mm, 0.075mm Capillary: 0.1mm, 0.3mm, 0.5mm, Please Contact our Sales Team with your specifications.

Additional Imtakt Columns Available

  • Model: SS0P1
  • Manufactured by: Imtakt

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