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Imtakt Unison US-C18 10mm ID, 50mm Length, 5um,ODS,end-capped - US0P2

Price: £448.00

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Unison US-C18 100% aqueous stable 5µm C18 column

Unison US-C18, 5μm, 50mm x 10mm (ODS end-capped) Semi-Preparative HPLC Column, Pressure Limits of up to : 50MPa, 500 bar, 7,500 psi

Imtakt Product Number: US0P2

Column Specifications:

Base Material: Silica
Quantity: 1 piece
Chemistry: C18 (RP-18, ODS, Octadecyl)
Manufacturer Chemistry Name:  US-C18
Endcapping:  +
Matrix: Silica
Brand: Imtakt Unison 
Internal Diameter: 10 mm 
Length: 50 mm 
Particle Morphology: spherical, porous
Particle Size: 5 μm
Pressure Stability: 500 bar
Pore Size:  130 Å
Technology: HPLC
USP Class: L1

The Unison Family of columns provide a wide range of high quality reverse phase and normal phase columns. The quality of our material provides high efficiency with low backpressure and 100% aqueous stability. Peak shape is also improved with the use of our polymeric end-capping technology. The Unison series of columns are available with C18, C8, Phenyl, Amino and Silica stationary phases to meet a wide range of chromatographic needs.

  • High efficiency 5µ columns with mono-dispersed packing for low backpressure
  • Unique ligand binding provides no phase collapse in 100% aqueous conditions
  • Tri-functional polymeric end-capping reduces unwanted secondary interactions and gives better lifetime
  • World class reproducibility
  • HT and UP hardware able to operate in pressures up to 1000 bar
  • High efficiency and available shot column dimensions are ideal for high throughput applications

Range of Unison US-C18 5µm Columns, Product Numbers:

Column Length (mm) Analytical Semi-prep Prep
1.0 mm I.D. 1.5 mm I.D. 2.0 mm I.D. 3.0 mm I.D. 4.0 mm I.D. 4.6 mm I.D. 6.0 mm I.D. 10.0 mm I.D. 20.0 mm I.D. 28.0 mm I.D.
5 µm Columns, Pressure Limits of up to : 20MPa, 250 bar, 3,500 psi
10     US020 US030   US000        
20     US029 US039   US009        
30 US011 US071 US021 US031   US001 US061 US0P1    
50 US012 US072 US022 US032   US002 US062 US0P2 US0Q2  
75 US013 US073 US023 US033   US003 US063 US0P3    
100 US014 US074 US024 US034   US004 US064 US0P4 US0Q4  
150 US015 US075 US025 US035 US045 US005 US065 US0P5 US0Q5  
250 US016 US076 US026 US036 US046 US006 US066 US0P6 US0Q6 US0R6

Column Guard System for Unison US-C18:

Product Code Product Name Product Description
GCUS0C Guard Cartridge US-C18 5um,ODS,end-capped (5x1mm), 3pcs
GCUS0M Guard Cartridge US-C18 5um,ODS,end-capped (10x8mm), 2pcs
GCUS0S Guard Cartridge US-C18 5um,ODS,end-capped (5x2mm), 3pcs
GCH01S Guard Holder Guard Holder for 1-6mmI.D. separation columns
GCH02M Guard Holder Guard Holder for 10-20mmI.D. separation columns
GCH11S Guard Holder Guard Holder for 4.6mm column, enclosed an U-Shape column coupler
GCH12M Guard Holder Guard Holder for 10-20mm column, enclosed an U-Shape column coupler

All stationary phases can also be made in the following internal diameters, please contact our Sales Team with your specificatons: Nano: 0.02mm, 0075mm | Capillary: 0.1mm, 0.3mm, 0.5mm | Semi-Prep: 20mm, 28mm.

This Column is also Available in 3μm!

Additional Imtakt Columns Available

  • Model: US0P2
  • Manufactured by: Imtakt

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