Vials Shinwa Consumables
Sample Cup Series
Sample cups are subjected to strict quality control.
High levels of airtightness (All sample cup types)
On sealing ethanol in sample cups and heating the cups to 45 degrees Celsius, caps did not come unsealed due to the vapor pressure of the ethanol (approximately 20 kPa), and no leaks were observed.
Sample Cups ?A, ?A
- Caps are made from polyethylene with slits, allowing for easy needle insertion.
- Cups are made from high quality polypropylene.
- The external dimensions of these sample cups are 12 mm I.D. x 32 mm (de facto world standard size). Cups conform to Shimadzu SIL autosamplers.
- 2 volumes available: 200 μL low volume and 1.5 mL standard volume.
Sample Cups ?B, ?B
The Shinwa sample cup range now includes brown sample cups designed to prevent deterioration of samples due to sunlight and UV radiation. These sample cups do not use inorganic colorants, and keep sample adsorption to a minimum in comparison with conventional brown vials thereby improving reproducibility. They have also passed elution tests.
- No sample deterioration: Prevent the deterioration of samples due to sunlight and UV radiation.
- High reliability: Cups are made from high quality polypropylene.
- "Elution" problems common to plastic containers, and "sample adsorption" problems common to brown vials have been reduced to negligible levels.
- Dimensional accuracy of cups has been improved in order to enhance air tightness.
- Easy needle insertion: Caps include built-in septa made from soft polyethylene that are provided with slits, enabling easy insertion of needles.
- The external dimensions of these sample cups are 12 mm I.D. x 32 mm (de facto world standard size). Cups conform to Shimadzu SIL autosamplers.
- 2 volumes available: 200 μL low volume and 1.5 mL standard volume.
- Economical: Economically priced with disposability in mind. Both varieties are available in lots of 1,000, at 42 yen per cup.
Centrifuge Sample Cups ?A, ?E (translucent)
No need to transfer centrifuged samples to separate vessels, enabling reductions in sample preparation times as well as costs!
Sample Cup VE
After centrifuging of a sample, the conical protrusion at the bottom of the sample cup prevents the resuspension of precipitates, thereby allowing these sample cups to be used directly in HPLC autosamplers without the need for transferring samples to separate vessels.
Sample Cup VA
Centrifuge filter devices * can be attached to these sample cups. After filtration of samples using a centrifuge, these sample cups can be used directly in HPLC autosamplers without the need for transferring samples to separate vessels.
* PALL GHP NANOSEP MF 0.45 μm centrifuge filter devices