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Water MassPREP Digestion Standard Kit - 186002330

Price: £556.00

MassPREP™ Protein Digestion Standard Kit contains each of the following tryptically digested standards: 186002325 Yeast Enolase (SwissProt P00924), 186002326 Phosphorylase b (SwissProt P00489), 186002327 Bovine Hemoglobin (SwissProt HBA P01966, HBB P02081), 186002328 Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH, SwissProt P00330) and 186002329 Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA, SwissProt P02769). The protein digests contain no undigested standard protein, trypsin, or other hydrophilic components. Each batch of protein digestion standard is prepared under strict quality control criteria. Test results from each batch of digestion standard are contained on an included Certificate of Analysis report. MassPREP™ Protein Digestion Standards are useful in a variety of applications that include performance evaluation of HPLC columns, high performance liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry instrumentation used for the analysis of this class of compounds.

ApplicationsLife Science
DetectorMass Spec
Product TypeStandard
Shipping FormulationSolid
StorageRoom temp

Included in the following configurations:

  • Model: 186002330
  • Manufactured by: Waters