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Imtakt Scherzo SM-C18 2mm ID, 75mm Length, 3um,multi-mode ODS (RP+Anion+Cation) - SM023

Price: £308.00

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Scherzo SM-C18 multi-mode ODS HPLC Column

Scherzo SM-C18 Anion Exchange + Cation Exchange + Normal Phase + Reversed Phase HPLC Column

Imtakt Part Number: SM023

World’s first ODS column with Anion and Cation Exchange. Weak ionic ligands adequately bonded to this material optimized for the separation of basic/acidic compounds at neutral pH.

Download the Scherzo C18 Family Brochure

Column Specifications:

ID: 2 mm 
Length: 75 mm
Particle Size (Microns): 3 μm 
Pore size: 13 nm
Pressure: Up to 250 bar / 3500 psi
Mode: multi-mode ODS (Anion Exchange + Cation Exchange + Normal Phase + Reversed Phase)
  • Simultaneous analysis for both cationic and anionic compounds
  • ODS + IEX or Reversed Phase + Normal Phase
  • For polar compounds
  • LC-MS compatible without using ion-pair reagent

Purified Porous Silica / Particle Size 3um / Pore Size 13nm / ODS + Anion Exchange + Cation Exchange Ligands

Imtakt has developed a revolutionary multi-mode ODS column.

Many biomaterials / metabolites are ionic and cannot be retained on conventional ODS columns. Recent solutions for this issue have the following limitations:

  • Ion-pairing RP chromatography is not compatible with LC-MS
  • Aqueous NP (HILIC) fails to separate polar & non-polar compounds

Scherzo SM-C18 can solve many of these problems. SM-C18 contains ODS+cation+anion ligands and can be used to separate highly polar compounds. Unlike other mixed-mode RP columns, Scherzo SM-C18 contains ODS ligands, and shows similar behavior to conventional ODS columns for non ionic compounds. In addition, the IEX ligands on SM-C18 are highly polar and provide normal phase mode. This allows for both RP + NP separation mode. This next generation (multi-mode) ODS column expands the separation possibilities for the ODS phase.

Separation mechanism on multi-mode ODS (RP + Anion Ex.+ Cation Ex.)
Scherzo SM-C18 is a multi-mode ODS column that provides the following modes of separation:reversed-phase, anion exchange, and cation exchange. These interactions enable the separation of water-soluble vitamins without the use of ion-pairing reagents.

Separation mechanism on multi-mode ODS (RP + Anion Ex.+ Cation Ex.)
Conventional ODS columns can struggle to retain polar ionic compounds. But Scherzo SM-C18
will be useful in separating both anionic and cationic compounds. Strong ionic compounds, such as quaternary amines or sulfonic acids, can be difficult to retain / separate on conventional ODS. Mixed-mode RP columns have a single ionic ligand (anion or cation) and struggle to retain both acidic and basic compounds. Separation of both acids and bases require two different methods with two different mixed-mode RP columns. In contrast, the multi-mode ODS column, Scherzo SM-C18, consists of both anionic and cationic ligands. Separation of both cations and anions is possible using one column and one method.

Recommendations for Scherzo SM-C18
Scherzo SM-C18 consists of ODS, anion, and cation ligands. The stationary phase interacts with ionic
solutes which can sometimes lead to fluctuating retention and separation (due to electric charge
between eluent and stationary phase). The following recommendations should be considered for
reproducibility and ruggedness.

Confirm the reproducibility by repeat-injections
Variable retention / separation can be observed during repeat injections due to variable dissociation of ligands on the stationary phase. To confirm optimized condition, several injections are recommended. If retention is not reproducible, it is recommended to either increase ionic strength in eluent or change to gradient elution.

Salt concentration in sample solution
Acidic and basic compounds in sample solution may interact with each other forming complexes which can have a detrimental effect on peak shape due to undesirable dispersion within the column. It is therefore recommended to add salt, acid, or alkali to the sample solution in order to avoid this problem.

Do not use pH meter. Buffer in eluent should be prepared by mixing of acid and base solutions
Buffers prepared with pH meters (e.g. titrate to desired pH) are not reproducible. Precision for [salt] and pH is crucial for buffers used with HPLC. It is strongly recommended to prepare buffers by measuring appropriate volumes of (equal concentration) acid and base solutions. Buffer concentration should be optimized for each method.

Range of Scherzo SM-C18 Columns
Particle: 3um Silica, Pore Size: 30nm, Ligand: ODS + Anion Exchange + Cation Exchange

Product Number
Length (mm) Analytical Semi-prep
1 mm I.D. 1.5 mm I.D. 2 mm I.D. 3 mm I.D. 4.6 mm I.D 6 mm I.D. 10 mm I.D
10 - - SM020 SM030 SM000 - -
20 - - SM029 SM039 SM009 - -
30 SM011 SM071 SM021 SM031 SM001 SM061 SM0P1
50 SM012 SM072 SM022 SM032 SM002 SM062 SM0P2
75 SM013 SM073 SM023 SM033 SM003 SM063 SM0P3
100 SM014 SM074 SM024 SM034 SM004 SM064 SM0P4
150 SM015 SM075 SM025 SM035 SM005 SM065 SM0P5
250 SM016 SM076 SM026 SM036 SM006 SM066 SM0P6
500 - - - - SM007 - -

Guard Holder (Column coupler enclosed)

Separation column ID Product Code
for 1 - 6 mm I.D. GCH01S
for 10 mm I.D. GCH02M

Guard Cartridge SM-C18

Separation column ID Product Code Note
for 1-1.5 mm I.D. GCSM0C 5 x 1 mm, 3 pcs
for 2 - 6 mm I.D. GCSM0S 5 x 2 mm, 3 pcs
for 10 mm I.D. GCSM0M 10 x 8 mm, 2 pcs

SM-C18 Metal Free Columns

Column Length (mm) 2.0 mm I.D. Analytical Columns Available
30 SM021F
50 SM022F
75 SM023F
100 SM024F
150 SM025F
250 SM026F

Additional Imtakt Columns Available

  • Model: SM023
  • Manufactured by: Imtakt

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