PerkinElmer Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)
PerkinElmer has been a pioneer in atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) since its earliest days – from the first ever commercial AA system back in 1961 to the first commercial longitudinal Zeeman graphite furnace AA instrument in 1990, continuing our innovations with the industry-first implementation of cutting-edge, real-time, double-beam fiber optics in our PinAAcle™ AA systems. And with this rich history comes a deep understanding of the unique and diverse needs of the customers and markets we serve, along with an unwavering commitment to meet their evolving needs.
For laboratories conducting trace elemental analyses, our market-leading PinAAcle flame, graphite furnace, and combined flame/furnace AA spectrometers, along with a wide range of accessories, precision-designed consumables, methods and application support, are the preferred choice in thousands of laboratories globally. Discover the most advanced AAS technology in the industry from the undisputed leader in atomic absorption spectroscopy.