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Imtakt Cadenza 5CL-C18 4mm ID, 250mm Length, 5um,ODS,Controlled end-Capping - 5CL046

Price: £365.00

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Cadenza 5CL-C18 Silanol-regulated C18

Cadenza 5CL-C18 5µm 250mm x 4mm, 120Å  (ODS controlled endcapping) HPLC Analytical Column, Pressure limits of up to : 20MPa, 250 bar, 3,000 psi

Imtakt Product Number 5CL046

Column Specifications:

Base Material: Silica
Quantity: 1 piece
Chemistry: C18 (RP-18, ODS, Octadecyl)
Manufacturer Chemistry Name:  5CL-C18
Endcapping: controlled endcapping
Matrix: Silica
Brand: Imtakt Cadenza
Internal Diameter: 4 mm 
Length:  250 mm 
Particle Morphology: spherical, porous
Particle Size: 5 μm
Pressure Stability: up to 250 bar
Pore Size: 120 Å
Technology: HPLC
USP Class: L1

World’s First Silanol Regulated ODS Phase

The Cadenza family of columns is a high quality series of ODS columns with a ligand density optimized for steric selectivity. These powerful columns are able to distinguish subtle differences in your analytes making it an excellent choice for isomer separation, or detection of impurities. These columns have low back pressure due to the high quality of materials used in their manufacturing. With a unique polymeric end-capping these columns will also provide very little unwanted secondary interactions and better peak shape.

  • Unique ligand density provides excellent steric selectivity
  • World’s first silanol-regulated ODS phase provides additional selectivity options for ionic compounds
  • High efficiency 5µ ODS column with low back-pressure

Due to its partial endcapping, the Cadenza CL-C18 opens a new world of separation possibilities. Almost all recent ODS columns have complete endcapping. However, complete endcapping makes some separations impossible. Conversely, ODS columns without any endcapping provide poor elution characteristics due to the influence of silanol. The Cadenza CL-C18 with partial encapping uniquely optimizes the remaining silanol. The difference between Cadenza CL-C18 and CD-C18 is that CL-C18 has more silanol remaining on the material surface. An example of the retention activity for an ionized compound (imazalil, pKa=ca.6) is pictured (above left) and shows the influence on eluent separation and retention of CL-C18’s remaining silanol. Imazalil retention is greatest with columns that are not endcapped, followed by CL-C18, and CD-C18, in that order.

Range of Cadenza 5CL-C18 Columns, Product Numbers:

Column Length (mm) Analytical Semi-prep Prep
1.0 mm I.D. 1.5 mm I.D. 2.0 mm I.D. 3.0 mm I.D. 4.0  mm I.D. 4.6 mm I.D. 6.0 mm I.D. 10.0 mm I.D. 20.0 mm I.D. 28.0 mm I.D.
5µm Columns, Pressure limits of up to: 20MPa, 250 bar, 3,000 psi
10     5CL020 5CL030   5CL000        
20     5CL029 5CL039   5CL009        
30 5CL011 5CL071 5CL021 5CL031   5CL001 5CL061 5CL0P1    
50 5CL012 5CL072 5CL022 5CL032   5CL002 5CL062 5CL0P2 5CL0Q2  
75 5CL013 5CL073 5CL023 5CL033   5CL003 5CL063 5CL0P3    
100 5CL014 5CL074 5CL024 5CL034   5CL004 5CL064 5CL0P4 5CL0Q4  
150 5CL015 5CL075 5CL025 5CL035 5CL045 5CL005 5CL065 5CL0P5 5CL0Q5  
250 5CL016 5CL076 5CL026 5CL036 5CL046 5CL006 5CL066 5CL0P6 5CL0Q6 5CL0R6

Column Guard System for Cadenza 5CL-C18:

Product Code Product Name Product Description
G5CL0C Guard Cartridge 5CL-C18 5um,30nm,ODS,end-capped (5x1mm), 3pcs
G5CL0M Guard Cartridge 5CL-C18 5um,30nm,ODS,end-capped (10x8mm), 2pcs
G5CL0S Guard Cartridge 5CL-C18 5um,30nm,ODS,end-capped (5x2mm), 3pcs
GCH01S Guard Holder Guard Holder for 1-6mmI.D. separation columns
GCH02M Guard Holder Guard Holder for 10-20mmI.D. separation columns
GCH11S Guard Holder Guard Holder for 4.6mm column, enclosed an U-Shape column coupler
GCH12M Guard Holder Guard Holder for 10-20mm column, enclosed an U-Shape column coupler

All stationary phases can also be made in the following internal diameters, please contact our Sales Team with your specificatons: Nano: 0.02mm, 0075mm | Capillary: 0.1mm, 0.3mm, 0.5mm | Semi-Prep: 20mm, 28mm

This Column is also available in 3 µm!

Additional Imtakt Columns Available

  • Model: 5CL046
  • Manufactured by: Imtakt

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